Painting – A Simple Way to Improve Your House
By Matt - Tuesday, August 19th, 2008
A simple coat of paint is probably the easiest way to change a room up without spending a fortune and at the same time adding value to your house. A coat of paint can make a small room look bigger and an over sized room look cozier. I’ve been painting our new house over the past few weeks and I am now starting to realize how powerful a coat of paint can be. Our new house was all painted with one colour and it was this ugly yellowish brown colour that wasn’t flattering to anything else in the house. Now with some different paint choices (and a lot of whites) the house looks a lot better.
We chose a lot of whites because of our furniature and the colour of the carpets but we accented this with curtain colours and an accent wall. The house now has a very bright feel to it that wasn’t present before. These bright walls really make the rooms seem larger where before the coolish darker colours really made is seem old.
Now we started the painting process from day one of moving in so the rooms were empty when the painting started thus we missed out on a great way to improve our house. When you take on a painting project you have the great opportunity to declutter the room and throw things out. It forces a detailed cleaning of the room which can really help as much as the paint.
This entry is filed under Home Improvement.
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