Destroying Magazines to Declutter
By Matt - Wednesday, September 10th, 2008
Magazines and newspapers can take up a great deal of space if you let them. There was a great post over at Productivity 501 where they suggested destroying your magazines. Personally I think this is a great idea – keep only the stories that you need and just get rid of everything else. I know this doesn’t work for everyone since people sometimes share magazines or want to keep them, but in general the practice can really help keep down the clutter of magazines.
When you get a new magazine go through it and tear out the stories that you want to read then get rid of the rest. Once you’ve read the stories you can decide if you want to keep them or get rid of them. Most of the time the information can be found online so you’re safe getting rid of the magazine. Keeping a few magazines isn’t a bad thing but when you have dozens of them littering your house you end up with clutter.
This entry is filed under Decluttering, Organizing, Tips and Hacks.
One Response to “Destroying Magazines to Declutter”
1 Vered - MomGrind says:
September 23rd, 2008
at 4:15 pm
Absolutely agree – and when it comes to women’s magazines, my own recommendation is to never buy them in the first place. 🙂
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